Newspapers have become a primary source for historians, with technological developments making newspapers digitized, offering easier access to data. So what if this document-based primary source is included in the realm of history learning? There is a lot of literature stating that learning history tends to be boring because it only consists of memorization and memory, but the offer related to the use of primary sources is worth considering. The integration of newspapers in history learning can use the CATS strategy (collect data, assess, think, tell stories). This research was conducted to examine the potential of newspapers published by Wanito Sworo in fostering practical history skills. This research aims to examine the potential of Wanito Sworo newspaper through the CATS (Collect, Assess, Thinking, Storytelling) strategy and see its effectiveness on historical practice skills. The historical documents or archives used can be used as a source of learning history. The research was conducted using library research with textbook analysis method. Using a literature review with the context analysis method is expected to build students' conceptual framework optimally.
Newspaper, Wanito Sworo, History Learning CATS Strategy
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