Stakeholder Synergy In The Management of Embung Banteran Tourism, Sumbang District

1Sri Pangestuti, 2Ashlikhatul Fuaddah, 3Nuryanti, 4Adinna Islah Perwita, 5Sekar Diva Parasdya, 6R. Muhammad Ihsan
1,2,3,5,6Communication Department, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia
4Communication Department, Amikom University, Indonesia


The Asih Swargaloka Embung Tanggul Tourism, located in Banteran Village, Sumbang District, Banyumas Regency, has experienced a decrease in the number of visitors and the condition of unmaintained facilities since it was inaugurated in July 2023. This study aims to identify the factors causing the decline and develop development strategies that can increase the attractiveness of this tourism. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method. The location of the research is in Banteran Village, Sumbang District, Banyumas Regency. The data collection technique was carried out through in-depth interviews with each stakeholder as a tourist village manager The results of interviews with resource persons revealed that expensive entrance ticket prices, lack of promotions, and poor facility conditions were the main factors in the decline in visitors. In addition, the lack of synergy between the village government, investors, and the local community also hinders the development of this tourism. To overcome this problem, several strategic steps are recommended, including reducing entrance ticket prices, improving and adding facilities, increasing promotion through various media, and training to increase the capacity of tourism village managers. In addition, a participatory approach that involves the community in tourism management and development is expected to increase the community's sense of ownership and responsibility. The implementation of a comprehensive development strategy and good synergy between all stakeholders is expected to restore the attractiveness of the Asih Swargaloka Embung Embankment Tourism and make it a sustainable source of income for Banteran Village. Training, empowerment of tourism village managers, facility improvements, and effective promotion will be the key to the success of this tourism development.


Synergy, Role, Stakeholders, Tourism Village, Tourism


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