This article explores the multifaceted challenges of innovation through a tripartite lens encompassing societal, economic and technological perspectives. Beginning with an overview of the historical importance of innovation and its evolving definitions, the article delves into its conceptual landscape, dissecting innovation into invention, creativity and new product development. The discussion then turns to innovation challenges, starting with social issues such as social inclusion and the evolving role of public authorities in innovation governance. Economic challenges are addressed, highlighting the need for innovation for economic growth while recognizing its potential for job destruction and industry disruption. Finally, technological challenges, including data security, sustainability, and equitable access, are examined. The article has a triptych contribution since it underlines the importance of meeting these challenges to promote socially inclusive, economically equitable and technologically responsible innovation. Thus, innovation presents opportunities for progress, but careful management and ethical considerations are essential for a sustainable and balanced future.
Innovation, Challenges, Societal, Economic, Technological.
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