The Constitutional Right of Every Citizen to Obtain Preventive Health Services for Diseases with the Potential for Extraordinary Events in Central Sulawesi

1Jumriani, 2Syamsuddin Baco, 2Zulkarnain, 2Sitti Fatimah Maddusila
1Head Field Control Disease Central Sulawesi Provincial Health Office
2Faculty of Law, Tadulako University.


The event of increasing sufferers or deaths caused by a disease in a certain area, can sometimes be a surprising event and cause panic among the people in the area and in general we call this event an Extraordinary Event (KLB). This study aims to 1) Analyze and describe the implementation of the constitutional rights of every citizen to obtain preventive health services for diseases with the potential for extraordinary events in Central Sulawesi, 2) Analyze and describe the inhibiting factors in fulfilling the constitutional rights of every citizen to obtain preventive health services for diseases with the potential for extraordinary events in Central Sulawesi, 3) Analyze and describe efforts to overcome the inhibiting factors in fulfilling the constitutional rights of every citizen to obtain preventive health services for diseases with the potential for extraordinary events in Central Sulawesi. The research method uses qualitative descriptive research where the approach uses a sociological legal approach, namely an approach by looking at a legal reality in society with the approach of Legal System Theory, Legal Purpose Theory, and Legal Effectiveness Theory . Types of data and data sources use primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are: interviews, observations, and literature studies. Based on the results of the study and discussion, it was concluded that overall, the implementation of Law No. 36 of 2009 Article 1 No. 13 concerning preventive health services has shown progress, but there are still many challenges to be overcome. More integrated and collaborative efforts between the government, the community, and the private sector are needed to ensure that preventive health services can be accessed widely and effectively, so that they can prevent more serious health problems in the future.


Right Constitutional, Preventive Health Services, Disease Potential Incident Outside Normal.


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