PT XZY is a company engaged in the field of Food Additives (BTP) in the form of vetsin from molasses raw materials. The company in exploiting energy resources on a large scale for the development of its industry has an impact on the environment in the form of industrial waste caused by the production process, namely waste active carbon generated from the adsorption of inline products. The existing problem is the remaining waste carbon in the solar dryer and the industry does not get added value. The processing strategy uses PDCA-taguchi integration. The PDCA cycle effectively identifies problems with an approach that refers to the Responsible Waste Management Hierarchy and is limited to carrying out recycling experiments. While the experimental design uses taguchi because it is more cost effective than other DOEs. This research is a descriptive and experimental quantitative method. Project implementation by identifying problems using the PDCA eight-step tool. Recycling concept by designing taguchi experimental arrangement. So that the recycling optimization design is obtained, namely dry waste carbon; [adhesive]: 25%; pressure: 2 minutes. The evaluation results at step 7 of PDCA are obtaining an added value of 3.0% (Rp. 29,093,376.84 / year from a total of 150 kg of briquettes / day) NPV value> project cost (+) of Rp. 110,286,788.00, BEP value of Rp. 770,740,120.01 and ROI of 15.6%.
Biocharcoal Briquettes,Food Additives, PDCA, Taguchi optimization, Recycle, Feasibility of Business (NPV, BEP, ROI).
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