Effective Teaching, Student Engagement, Classroom Learning Environment: A Structural Model of Motivation in Learning the Filipino Language

1Arnel II S. Bernal, 2Dr. Reita Palma
1UM Digos College
2University of Mindanao Professional Schools
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijirme.2025.v4i2n03


The lack of motivation in language learning has led to insufficient time for students to learn their native or second language. This study investigates the structural relationship between effective teaching, student engagement, classroom learning environment, and motivation in learning the Filipino language among 400 senior high school students in private schools across various provinces in Region XI. A quantitative correlational research method utilizing a Structural Equation Model was employed, with data collected through four administered questionnaires. Data analysis included mean, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. Findings revealed that effective teaching and the classroom environment were consistently rated as very high, while student engagement was rated as high. The study demonstrated a significant relationship between the three independent variables and the endogenous variable of students' motivation to learn the Filipino language. Notably, the classroom learning environment emerged as the only independent variable with a significant effect on motivation, surpassing the impact of student engagement and effective teaching. Among the three models tested, the third model was identified as the most suitable based on goodness-of-fit indices. These findings provide valuable insights for designing interventions to enhance motivation and learning outcomes in Filipino language education. Such initiatives are essential for improving the quality of education (SDG-4) that aligns with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, ensuring students are better equipped to engage with their linguistic heritage.


Classroom Learning Environment, Effective Teaching, Motivation in Learning the Filipino Language, Student Engagement, Quality Education (SDG -4), Philippines


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