The study examined product innovation and customer brand loyalty of Smartphone Users in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Specifically, the objectives are to: determine the effect of compatibility; examine the effect of complexity; evaluate the effect of relative advantage; assess the effect of trialability; and ascertain the effect of observability on customer brand loyalty. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consisted of smartphone users (Youths) in Ekiti State. The sample size was 200 which was selected via census sampling. Primary data used for the study were gathered through structured questionnaire. Data gathered were analyzed using multiple regression model. The result showed that compatibility positively affects customer brand loyalty; it further showed that complexity affects customer brand loyalty; moreso, it further showed that relative advantage affects customer brand loyalty; furthermore, it further showed that trialability affects customer brand loyalty; finally, it showed that observability affect customer brand loyalty positively. Thus, it concluded that product innovation positively affects customer brand loyalty of smartphone users in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The study recommended that smartphone companies should ensure innovative brands to enhance customer brand loyalty.
Brand Loyalty, Customer, Product Innovation, Smartphone
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