Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea Canaliculata) As Feed Supplement on Growth, Carcass and Economic Performance of Broiler’s (Gallus Gallus Domesticus)

1Marvin L. Valdez, 2Gerald A. Ngislawan, 3Ruth W. Bayachan, 4Dajay U. Biligan, 5Roger P. Capua
1,2,3,4,5College of Advance Education, Master of Science in Agriculture Ifugao State University, Potia Campus, Alfonso Lista Ifugao, Phillipines


The birds were individually weighed and allocated into four treatments group (T1: 0%,T2:6%,T3:12%,T4: 18% Golden apple Snail meal).each Treatment groups has three replicates and Five birds per cage. All the birds were fed with restriction during the feeding trial which lasted 42 days. Body weight gain, Weekly gain in Weight, Percentage, Growth rate, feed consumption, Feed Conversion ratio and Feed efficiency were measured. The result from the study showed that Treatment 2 has the highest Body weight gain, Weekly gain in weight, Percentage Growth rate ,feed consumption, Lowest Feed Conversion ratio and Feed efficiency. The result recommended the supplementation of Treatment 2 ratio which is 6 % Golden Apple Snail Meal. Using Golden Apple Snail meal as Protein Source is recommended as showed in the data and observation that Golden Apple snail meal can support the growth, Quality Carcass and Higher Return above Feed and Chick Cost


growth, performance, golden apples nail,, carcass, economic performance


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