Teachers are a very important profession in changing the future of the nation. The true successors of the nation are educated students. As the old saying goes, education is a window to see the world more broadly, so a competent professional teacher is needed to guide students to achieve their goals. In order to achieve superior quality biology teachers, it is necessary to have a school leadership style that will influence wise interpersonal behavior or Interpersonal Citizenship Behavior (ICB) and good motivation in working as a teacher. In overcoming this, a causal survey was used involving 100 biology teachers in East Jakarta. There are three instruments developed to measure leadership style (Reliability coefficient 0.785), Interpersonal Citizenship Behavior (ICB) (Reliability coefficient 0.842), and motivation (Reliability coefficient 0.816). The research hypothesis was analyzed by path analysis. This study found that leadership style was proven to have a significant direct effect on ICB of biology teachers, ICB of biology teachers was significantly influenced by motivation (path coefficient obtained at 0.110), leadership style had a very significant direct effect on motivation (path coefficient 0.282), motivation had a very significant direct effect on ICB of teachers (path coefficient of 0.311). The results of the indirect effect test of leadership style on ICB of biology teachers through motivation obtained a value of 0.08 which turned out to be insignificant, because the magnitude was close to zero. Even though the indirect effect of leadership style on ICB of teachers was not significant, in total, namely the combination of leadership style and motivation had an effect on ICB of teachers which characterized the combined effect of direct effect and indirect effect of these variables.
School Leadership Style, Interpersonal Citizenship Behavior, Motivation, Path Analysis, Biology Teachers.
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