Educational Robotics in Distance Education and The Role of The Teacher

1Maria Foti, 2Sofia Papadimitriou, 3Anthi Karatrantou
1Hellenic Open University, Education and Technologies in distance teaching and learning systems - Educational Sciences, Patra, Greece
2,3Hellenic Open University, Tutor-Counsellor, Education and Technologies in distance teaching and learning systems – Educational Sciences, Patra, Greece


With the appearance of Distance Education (DE) methodologies and approaches in education, the field of teaching has changed radically. With the parallel development of technology, new paths and opportunities have been created to enrich education with new creative methods. This article examines the evolving landscape of Distance Educational Robotics (DER), with reference to the critical role of teachers in guiding and facilitating quality educational experiences. Through an extensive literature review, this study examines the benefits and challenges associated with integrating Educational Robotics into Distance Education. It briefly reviews the platforms and tools that facilitate the implementation of DER and explores various pedagogical strategies and instructional designs that educators can use to maximize the effectiveness of DER, considering the diverse learning needs and capabilities of students. It also emphasizes the importance of continuous professional development of teachers to improve their competence in remote pedagogic practices and the use of technology. In conclusion, the study illuminates the dynamic relationship between DE and Educational Robotics and the role that the teacher acquires by combining the two. Highlighting the roles and complexities of teachers' responsibilities, the article offers methods and suggestions that can guide and support their efforts to create organized and effective teaching.


Educational Robotics, Distance Education, Teacher's Role, School Education


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