The relationship between teacher stress and performance was investigated in this study to determine the mediating effect of work-life balance. The research employed a non-experimental quantitative design, including mediation analysis and descriptive-correlational techniques. Stratified sampling was employed to select 300 public school teachers from the Island Garden City of Samal. Three sets of modified and standardized survey questionnaires were used to collect data from the intended respondents. The mean, Pearson r, Sobel Z test, and regression analysis were utilized to analyze the data. The findings indicated that teacher stress was low, teacher performance was very high, and work-life balance was high. Performance was significantly negatively correlated with teacher stress. In addition, there was a substantial correlation between teacher stress and work-life balance and between work-life balance and teacher performance among teachers. Additionally, the findings indicate that the relationship between teacher stress and performance is partially mediated by work-life balance. This suggests that the inclusion of work-life balance mitigated the prior direct impact of teacher stress on teacher performance. Improving work-life balance can directly impact teachers' efficacy in the classroom. Teachers capable of effectively managing tension and maintaining a healthy work-life balance report feeling content with their positions.
educational management, teachers, stress, performance, work-life balance, mediation, Philippines
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