This study aims to analyze the influence of Social Influence, Hedonic, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Easy to Use, and Attitude on E-WOM. A total of 238 valid data have been obtained to conduct research. The data obtained will be analyzed using the SmartPLS data analysis method to test direct and indirect relationships between variables. The results of this study show that Social Influence, Hedonic, Perceived Usefulness, and Perceived Easy to Use have a significant effect on buyer Attitude. Attitude, Hedonic, and Perceived Easy to Use have a significant effect on E-WOM. These findings provide a reference that goods sold in E-commerce or physical stores need to pay attention to Social Influence, Hedonic, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Easy to Use, and Attitude in order to create E-WOM.
Attitude, Hedonic, Perceived Easy to Use, Perceived Usefulness, Social Influence
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