This article deals with hydro-climatic factors and their health impacts in the town of Ouéllé in a context of climate change. The aim of this study is to show the impact of hydro-climatic determinants on the spatial distribution of pathologies in the town of Ouéllé. The methodological approach used was based on data collection techniques ranging from documentary research to field surveys. Interviews were conducted with experts, while questionnaires were administered to 100 people living in the urban area of Ouéllé. In addition, photographs of the spatial units were taken using a Redmi 9A smartphone, followed by the collection of geospatial data using the UTM Geo map mobile application for data collected in KML (Keyhole Markup Language) format on the Android operating system. We also used statistical data analysis techniques to process the data. The results showed that the main hydro-climatic factors in Ouéllé are rainfall, temperature and wind. The diseases linked to these hydro-climatic factors are malaria, which is the main health risk, accounting for 63% of consultations in 2023, followed by typhoid fever (8%) and acute respiratory infections (ARI) (3%).
Ouéllé, Factor hydro-climatic, Health problems
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