Phonological Error Analysis in Reading Arabic Texts by Ninth Grade Students at the Wustha Level, Nurus Salam Islamic Boarding School, Mentayan, Bantan Subdistrict, Bengkalis Regency

1Edi Suyanto, 2Marhamah Ulfa, 3Roinah, 4Triana Susanti
1,2,3,4Lecture at STAIN Bengkalis


This study attempts to identify the causes that led to the phonological mistakes of the stressing side, pauses, tones, and intonations in the Arabic text read by students at the Nurus Salam Mentayan Resident House's 9th grade Wustha level. The error analysis approach is used in this investigation to track the development of Arabic text reading abilities. In addition to recording techniques, freely engaged dialectical methods and observation are used in data collection. The study's findings demonstrated 50 errors in the stressed speech in both the speech and the sentence. The pause happened when one spoke the ma`rifat phrases in a sentence or number when one spoke the word Qaul and the phrase that came from it, and when one spoke the words and responses. 43 reading tones do not match the word's meaning; 4) 32 intonations on the intonation tune do not match the sentence or number's context. Since intonations are uttered consistently without regard to meaning, they cannot convey the structure and meaning of numbers. Several variables contribute to the incidence of mistakes, such as: 1) When it comes to suprasegmental sounds, particularly stressing, pauses, tones, and intonation, teachers pay insufficient attention to them. 2) In theory, no subjects like ashwat can accept the super-segmental sound element. 3) The mother tongue heavily impacts the use of this suprasegmental noise, as the students' reading habits of Indonesians are also flat, meaning they ignore tone, intonation, stressing, and pauses.


Arabic phonology, mistakes, emphasis, pauses, tones, and intonation


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