Risk Analysis of Conveyor Material Handling in the Production Process of Crude Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil with FMECA and FTA Methods

1Syahrul Ardiansyah, 2Ellysa Nursanti, 3Dimas Indra Laksamana
1,2,3Program Studi Magister Teknik Industri, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang Jl. Sigura - Gura No.2, Sumbersari, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65152, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijirme.2024.v3i9n15


Oil palm is one type of plantation crop that occupies an important position in the agricultural sector and the plantation sector, and is a mainstay commodity of Indonesia whose development is very rapid. Good Material Handling is minimizing material handling costs, minimizing disruption or risk and delays in the production process. One of the companies engaged in the palm oil industry is PT. BSI which is a company engaged in the palm fruit processing industry. The products produced are crude palm oil (CPO), kernel, and fiber which implement a material handling system. However, the material handling process that is applied still experiences disturbances whose risks have an impact on the production process. So that researchers want to know the value of material handling risks that occur at PT.BSI with FMECA and FTA methods. The results of this study are at the risk identification stage using the FMECA method obtained six lists of risks that have an RPN value above 200 this is included in the very high and Unacceptable category. Then after further analysis using the FMECA method also that the six risks have decreased where the RPN value is less than 180 so that it is included in the high and tolerable categories. Then for the FTA analysis that the problem of these risks, namely conveyor trips and conveyor blockages, needs to be checked on a regularly scheduled conveyor leaf and implement a routine maintenance schedule and provide training to operators before carrying out work.


CPO; PKO; Material Handling; FMECA; FTA


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