This study seeks to discover persuasive strategies used to communicate or address certain issues that are addressed during a speech, specifically climate change speeches. The speeches that were used in this study were recorded videos of Yeb Sano, Barack Obama, and Gina Lopez that were uploaded on the internet. By examining those videos thoroughly, we dissected every part using the framework of analysis by Bitzer (1992) which composes the key elements of classical theoretical tradition including The Five Canons of Rhetoric, Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Figure of speech, and Oratory. After analyzing it using this tool, we concluded that more technicalities come with writing an effective speech. Using all those analysis frameworks and techniques we have discovered that a lot of aspects come into play in creating a persuasive speech. Using the Framework of Analysis by Lloyd F. Bitzer we have delved into the realm where persuasiveness of language that are manifested through the following parameters; first is the classical rhetorical tradition which consists of the five cannons of rhetoric and a few more which are discussed individually in the following chapters below. We also opted to use Colaizzi's method of data analysis to explore the array of different responses of commenters from those recorded videos. Using the thematic patterning of Colaizzi, the following findings were aspects of the effectiveness of speech were highlighted, we found Seven factors that contribute to the effectiveness of a persuasive speech. With the help of the same patterning, we have also discovered four factors that contribute to or make the speech to be ineffective. Now we want this study to be helpful to some individuals who struggle to make their audience immersed or engaged when listening to their speeches.
Climate Change, Figure of Speech, Persuasive Language, Environmental Speech
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