The scientific-theoretical basis of the library science methodology is made up of world philosophy, logical science, special library science laws and principles aimed at the process of understanding. Also, librarianship widely benefits from the laws and principles of sociology in solving its theoretical and practical issues. Accurate definition of the scientific-theoretical bases of the methodology of librarianship is of great importance for its formation as a science, solving the problems of library work, and making serious scientific generalizations. It is impossible to develop strict scientific laws, principles and recommendations without scientific methodology. Scientific methodology allows librarianship to be free from all uncertainties, unfounded assumptions and scientific errors. Thus, one cannot talk about the development of modern librarianship as a science without having a scientific methodology. Librarians, theoreticians of library work should use the rules, principles and norms of the methodology when solving non-standard, complex librarianship problems, and draw their scientific conclusions and recommendations based on it. In other words, librarians should directly base their scientific conclusions and recommendations on methodology. Therefore, conducting high scientific research requires librarians to be based on both professional librarianship knowledge and philosophical, logical and sociological knowledge. Thus, the understanding of librarianship as both philosophical, logical and sociological, as well as special librarianship, gives rise to a general and special methodology. Conducting high scientific research requires librarians to be based on both professional librarianship knowledge and philosophical, logical and sociological knowledge. Thus, the understanding of librarianship as both philosophical, logical and sociological, as well as special librarianship, gives rise to a general and special methodology.
philosophy, library science, philosophical methods, general methodology, scientific methodology.
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