Psychological well-being as part of human mental condition has a transactional relationship with the environment. Even the problem of psychological well-being decreases along with the decline in the quality of the environment. This study aims to examine the influence of happiness, gratitude, and pro-environmental behavior on minimalist behavior. This study is expected to be in line with the ULM roadmap in the field of social humanities, especially in the development of wetland environmental psychology in the South Kalimantan region. This quantitative study was designed as a cross-sectional study with 279 students as participants in South Kalimantan. Data collection used a minimalist behavior scale, a sustainable consumption behavior scale, a scale of connectedness to nature, and a scale of psychological well-being. The results of the partial analysis showed that the sustainable consumption behavior variable did not play a significant role in the psychological well-being variable (p>0.05) while the minimalist behavior and connectedness to nature variables played a significant role in the psychological well-being variable (p<0.05). Simultaneously, there is a role between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The results of the study are expected to contribute to scientific knowledge and application in shaping individuals, especially young adult women, to be able to maintain the psychological well-being they have through minimalist behavior and an attitude of connectedness to nature.
Psychological well-being, Minimalist Behavior, Sustainable Consumption Behavior, Connectedness to Nature
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