It is the belief of the public that sophistication and technology especially in healthcare will improve efficiency quality safety and reduce the cost of procedures but unfortunately only few people who have greater understanding of technology and its use in healthcare consider that the introduction of technology and sophisticated equipment by reducing the professionalism, it creates an environment for errors and adverse events in healthcare procedures. We are aware that around 5000 types of medical devices that are in use in healthcare sector are being used by millions of healthcare providers and professionals globally. The problems that arises with these sophisticated equipment are inevitable. Though it is an admitted fact that technology holds much promise in healthcare procedures but the same technology will have its own pitfalls such as
a. Poor technology design that does not adhere to human factors and ergonomic principles.
b. On the other hand poor technology and poor design of the equipment may interface the patient or environment.
c. Inadequate planning and introduction by healthcare providers in any healthcare facility will cause more harm and less safety.
d. In addition to the introduction of technology and sophisticated equipment invariably it should be backed up by maintenance and service; failing which the purpose of this technology and sophistication gets defeated. The aim of this review article is to make an extension analysis of deployment of technology and sophistication in healthcare will improve the patient safety or will have a negative impact. The objective is to explore from the existing literature and find out the deployment of technology and sophistication with respect to healthcare procedures can make good with respect to patient’s safety or will it have any adverse impact on patient’s health.
As already mentioned above there are numerous sophisticated equipment that are in use in healthcare procedures and every day more sophistication thereby more number of equipment are being introduced and some are not time tested. Even the healthcare professionals and providers are not in a position to say the equipment is safe and eco friendly.
Patients care technology has become increasingly transforming the way paramedics, nurses conceptualized and delivery system. Before the introduction of technology and sophisticated equipment, the paramedics, nurses used to rely more on their senses of sight, touch, smell and hearing and observation to monitor patient’s status of health and to identify any changes whether they are supporting the patients recovery or otherwise. Because of this technology, these healthcare professionals, paramedics and nurses mainly relying on their results of the equipment that they are putting into operation instead of assessing, making and evaluating the real picture of the patient. This is considered to be an unsafe practice because all the sophisticated equipment to the best of my knowledge and belief will function in a set designed program and travel accordingly; any variation or change in the health of the patient cannot be detected if the situation is not included in the traversed program of the equipment. This will cause unsafe health practice and at times leads to fatal; if not identified early.
Technology has the potential to improve healthcare but it is not without any risks; so to say use of technology and introduction of sophistication has been described as both part of the problem and part of the solution for safe healthcare. It is the considered opinion of the many healthcare professionals who are well versed with technology and sophistication that problems may arise on the use of more number of devices and complexity of each device and the poor interface between technologies, in addition pharmaceutical industries are introducing technologies in a half hazard manner though much amount is spent on research and development on the equipment, yet due to competition and marketing of the product, the manufacturers and healthcare providers are equally responsible in introducing half hazard manner. This equipment that leads to unsafe, unethical healthcare practices. Hence, that no body is against use of technology because in emergency cases and in chronical cases the technology will provide faster relief and solutions instead of manual consideration.
It is the considered opinion of the people connected with healthcare that technology should be introduced, sophisticated equipment are to be used by giving more importance to the safe utility of the devices because they are being used on humans but at the same time none should not solely depend on the equipment but the healthcare professionals should apply their mind and experience to pin point the exact nature of the ailment with the help of the results that are being obtained from the equipment instead solely depending upon the results of the equipment is not desired. Hence, use of technology and experience of the professionals should run parallel complimenting each one with other keeping in mind the universal safety norms, safety of the patient as priority. Hence, the very purpose of introduction of technology and sophistication of equipment gets nullified.
AIM: The aim of this review article is to make an extension analysis of deployment of technology and sophistication in healthcare will improve the patient safety or will have a negative impact.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to explore from the existing literature and find out the deployment of technology and sophistication with respect to healthcare procedures can make good with respect to patient’s safety or will it have any adverse impact on patient’s health.
Deployment of Technology and Sophistication in Healthcare, Patient care Technology and Safety, Robotic Radical Prostatectomy, Da Vinci Si Surgery System, Accessing to DNA sequencing.
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