This study focused on the development of the food product "Hopyang Gabi Con Mais" and evaluation of its quality and potential for acceptability in order to improve nutrition through organic foods and assist families in diversifying their food sources. Hopyang Gabi Con Mais was produced from taro roots, and white corn. Increase in nutritive content like nutrients, vitamins and minerals of the product are obtained from taro root and white corn. Taro plant is a powerhouse of nutrients. It roots contain vitamins like folate, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. Additionally, the root has antioxidants like cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene. Other minerals that are present in taro roots are copper, manganese, selenium, zinc, and magnesium, iron, and calcium. The electrolytes present in taro roots are potassium, sodium, and thiamine in white corn. The developed food product was evaluated by the respondents to determine its level of acceptability in terms of appearance, aroma, taste and texture which garnered an overall descriptive rating of highly acceptable. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the level of acceptability of hopyang gabi con mais in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture as perceived by the respondents according to their age groups. To make an outstanding hopya dough, combine equal parts taro root powder and other needed elements. The produced hopya product has more important nutrients derived from taro roots and white maize, which aids in the nourishment of human health. Because of its low production cost, ease of preparation, abundance and availability of taro, white corn, and other important ingredients, it is recommended that the developed food product be introduced and advertised in the City of Ilagan, the Philippines' Corn Capital, and the Province of Isabela as a whole.
Hopya, Taro, Corn, Acceptability
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