Innovative Media: A Successful Approach to Improve Learning Quality

1Sriyanti Mustafa, 2Baharullah, 3Khadijah Maming, 4Asrinan
1,3,4Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare. Address Jend.Ahmad Yani KM 6 Parepare, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
2Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Address Sultan Alauddin No.259, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


This study investigates how innovative learning tools affect student learning quality. The study aimed to evaluate how effective innovative learning tools are in enhancing learning quality, such as understanding material, student engagement, and achievement of learning goals. This research greatly impacts the education sector by presenting innovative approaches to using educational resources. The study took place at a secondary school. The study included 28 tenth-grade students from the experimental class as participants. This study employed a pre-test and post-test design to evaluate the difference in learning outcomes before and after the implementation of new media. The reason for selecting the experimental method was its ability to control variables impacting study outcomes and uncover the cause-and-effect connection between utilizing innovative learning media during the learning procedure. The study discovered that students who utilized creative media for learning showed higher levels of engagement compared to those who stuck to traditional learning methods. Using creative forms of media in education can enhance student involvement, bolster comprehension, and boost retention of material. Pre-assessment and post-assessment results revealed a notable growth in student participation. This research indicates that utilizing creative forms of media is an effective strategy for enhancing the quality of education. The research can offer recommendations to policymakers and educational professionals to improve curriculum development and teaching approaches that better meet the needs of modern students.


Innovative; Learning; Media; Quality


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