This research introduces an innovative method for adaptive traffic signal control (ATSC) through the utilization of multi-objective deep reinforcement learning (DRL) techniques. The proposed approach aims to enhance control strategies at intersections while simultaneously addressing safety, efficiency, and decarbonization objectives. Traditional ATSC methods typically prioritize traffic efficiency and often struggle to adapt to real-time dynamic traffic conditions. To address these challenges, the study suggests a DRL-based ATSC algorithm that incorporates the Dueling Double Deep Q Network (D3QN) framework. The performance of this algorithm is assessed using a simulated intersection in Changsha, China. Notably, the proposed ATSC algorithm surpasses both traditional ATSC and ATSC algorithms focused solely on efficiency optimization by achieving over a 16% reduction in traffic conflicts and a 4% decrease in carbon emissions. Regarding traffic efficiency, waiting time is reduced by 18% compared to traditional ATSC, albeit showing a slight increase (0.64%) compared to the DRL-based ATSC algorithm integrating the D3QN framework. This marginal increase suggests a trade-off between efficiency and other objectives like safety and decarbonization. Additionally, the proposed approach demonstrates superior performance, particularly in scenarios with high traffic demand, across all three objectives. These findings contribute to advancing traffic control systems by offering a practical and effective solution for optimizing signal control strategies in real-world traffic situations.
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