Public Debt and Economic Growth in MENA Countries. An Analysis by Panel Co-Integration Techniques

Kaouther AMIRI
The Higher Institute of Management of Tunis University of Tunis 41 Avenue de la Liberté, Tunis 2000 Research Laboratories in Macroeconomics


This study analyzes the dynamic relationship between public debt and economic growth in the economies of the MENA region during 1996 -2020. To do this, two econometric tools were applied. The first method presents panel cointegration techniques and Granger causality tests to verify the existence of a long-term relationship and examine the direction of causality between the different variables chosen. The FMOLS and DOLS panel techniques were used to estimate the long-term parameters. Thus, we show that the long-term impact of public debt on economic growth is both positive and significant. The second method describes the link using a linear growth model and another dynamic model. The latter two were estimated using the generalized moments method with dynamic panel data. The results show a close relationship between the exogenous variable debt and endogenous variable economic growth, and that debt positively affects growth up to a certain threshold. Beyond this threshold, the effect becomes negative and significant. Nevertheless, we have concluded that from a certain threshold, debt can exceed the repayment capacities and, therefore, disadvantage growth, which will in turn discourage domestic investments and savings.


Public debt, GDP growth, threshold effect, dynamic panel, co-integration technique.


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