Evaluating The Pertamina’s Waste Bank Program Using Social Return on Investment in Koja District, North Jakarta

1Fendy Eko Wahyudi, 2Muhammad Subhan, 3Gilda Maulina, 4Betie Febriana
1,2Department of International Relations, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
3Department of Business Administration, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
4Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijirme.2024.v3i6n31


The findings of this study are expected to serve as an objective benchmark for determining the level of social acceptance of PT Pertamina Lubricants Production Unit Jakarta (PUJ). Moreover, this study report presents the results of calculating the impact value and SROI of the program. This program aims to improve the welfare of society and the environment in Tugu Selatan Village, Koja District, North Jakarta, through the Berkah Waste Bank program. Based on the results of the SROI study, the Berkah Waste Bank program has proven to produce more significant benefits than the costs invested in activities such as planning for the development of the Berkah Waste Bank, environmental awareness training, distribution of assistance for facilities and infrastructure, mentoring and monitoring & evaluation (Monev) of the Waste Bank socialization program, management of drum and Non-B3 waste, training and development of social media and E-Commerce, initiation of waste programs oil change, garbage pick-up service, renovation of the Garbage Bank Shelter, inauguration of the Oil Exchange Garbage Workshop, program to strengthen marketing and administration of the Garbage Bank. These programs have proven to help increase communities’ capacity to manage inorganic and organic waste from industrial and household waste. Through a series of activities such as training, mentorship, and assistance, these programs aim to increase community awareness and participation in waste management and empower them by improving skills to support the local economy.


CSR, Waste Bank, SROI, PT Pertamina Lubricants Production Unit Jakarta


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