The Effect of Nutrition Education With Video on Knowledge and Attitudes as An Effort To Prevent Obesity in Young Women at Senior High School 2 Bae Kudus

1Ni’matul Yasiroh, 2Yuwono Setiadi, 3Meirina Dwi L, 4Astidio Noviardhi, 5J. Supadi , 6SY. Didik Widiyanto
1,2,3,4,5Department of Nutrition, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
6Health Analyst Department, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semaraang


Background: Obesity is a problem quite disturbing among teenagers. The prevalence of obesity continues to increase. One of the efforts to prevent obesity is nutrition education using interactive videos.
Objective: To determine the effect of nutrition education with video on knowledge and attitudes as an effort to prevent obesity in adolescent girls at senior High School 2 Bae Kudus.
Methods: this research is quasi-experimental with pre-test-post-test control group design. Sampling was done by proportional randomized sampling technique to obtain 23 control samples and 23 intervention samples. The data collected are respondent characteristics data, and knowledge and attitude questionnaires with pre test post test results. The independent variable is nutrition education with video media, the dependent variable is knowledge and attitude. Knowledge and attitude variables were taken by filling out a questionnaire on the google form link. The knowledge variable consists of 10 questions and the attitude variable consists of 10 statements.
Results: The mean knowledge score of the two group increased. In the control group it increased from 69.57 to 82.17 while in the intervention group it increased from 63.48 to 90.87. The mean attitude score of the two group increased. In the control group it increased from 3.14 to 3.82 while in the intervention group it increased from 3.15 to 3.92.
Conclusion: there is an effect of nutrition education with videos on knowledge and attitudes.


knowledge, attitude, video, youth.


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