Organoleptic Analysis Test and Proximate of Seruni Plants (Wedelia Biflora) as Animal Feed

1Nautus Stivano Dalle, 2George G. F. Adeventeen, 3Marianus Supardi Jehatu, 4Serlin Anjelita Djami, 5Viktor Kevin Sekar
1,2,3,4,5Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Indonesian Catholic University of Santu Paulus Ruteng – Indonesia


This research was conducted in Ruteng City in February-April 2023 with the aim of determining the nutritional content of seruni leaves (wedelia biflora). This study uses a direct experimental method. The first stage is an organoleptic test and continued with a proximate analysis. The treatment to be tested is P0: Seroni leaf flour taken in Ruteng City; P1: Seroni leaf flour taken around Ruteng City. This study used the t-test to evaluate significant differences in the nutritional content of Seruni leaf flour in the area around Ruteng. The results of the proximate analysis of Wedelia biflora leaves showed that this leaf had a balanced nutritional composition, with a high content of dry matter (90%), crude protein (±16%), crude fat (±10%), crude fiber (±10%), carbohydrates (±57%), and BETN (±47%). This composition indicates that Wedelia biflora is a good source of nutrients, containing adequate protein, high enough fat, as well as dominant carbohydrates and BETN, making it an efficient source of energy. moderate content of crude fiber also contributes to digestive health. With a balanced nutritional composition and the benefits provided, Wedelia biflora has great potential as a feed additive for various types of livestock to support the growth, health, and productivity of livestock.


Organoleptic; Proximate; Wedelia biflora.


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