Praktis (Praktek Istima') Application is an application that can be used as a learning medium for Istima's proficiency. This development research aims to produce valid and effective Praktis (Praktek Istima') applications. This study uses Praktis (Praktek Istima') Application with material from the book al-'Arabiyyah Baina Yadaiki li Ghairi Nathiqina Biha, the book of the beginning, Kitab alif by Dr Abd ar-Rahman Bin Ibrahim al-Fawzan. This research was conducted using the Plomp development model integrated with the Luther development model. The subjects of this study were students of the Arabic Language Study Program in the second semester of STAIN Bengkalis. Two data collection techniques are used in this study, namely, validity obtained through validation by material and media validators and effectiveness in increasing Istima's proficiency from the test. The results showed that the average validity value for the material was 3.8, and the average value was 3.75. The effectiveness of the Praktis (Praktek Istima') Application in increasing students' Istima Proficiency based on the results of hypothesis testing (T-Test) in the table above shows that the significance value is 0.000, which is less than 0.05.
Research Study, Praktis (Praktek Istima') Application Application, Istima' proficiency
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