The government's efforts to reduce the maternal mortality rate (MMR) through quality and standard antenatal care examinations using ultrasonography (USG) is a manifestation of the Government's responsibility to fulfill citizens' health rights, especially maternal health rights. This research was located in the city of Palu, Central Sulawesi Province (Indonesia). The research question that will be discussed in this paper is: how is the implementation of the right to health of pregnant women in obtaining quality and standard antenatal care services (obstetric ultrasound examinations) at community health centers in the city of Palu? Furthermore, from the results of the analysis of research questions, it was concluded that: a) the Palu city government has demonstrated responsibility in providing health services for pregnant women that meet standards; b) fulfillment of the right to health of pregnant women through obstetric ultrasound examinations in antenatal care has not reached the target; c) Pregnant women's compliance with having their pregnancy checked at the Community Health Center so that they get an obstetric ultrasound examination by a doctor shows that there are disparities.
Right to Health, Antenatal Care, Ultrasonography, Pregnant Women, Community Health Center
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