Implementation of Legal Protection for Women Victims of Physical Violence by Police Investigators of the Women and Child Protection Unit

1Mustika Payung, 2Juanrico Alfaromona Sumarezs Titahelu, 3Hadibah Zachra Wadjo
1,2,3Postgraduate Program, Master of Law, Pattimura University, Ambon, Indonesia


The relationship between husband and wife should be a good example for their children. This relationship can be based on happiness and harmony. But in reality, wives in their position face a lot of domestic (economic) neglect and violence from their husbands, both sexual, psychological and physical violence. A number of women's considerations in handling domestic violence issues in their families make some victims hesitate to immediately report to law enforcement officials and take legal action to find a solution). Based on the facts that occur, most women and children are often victims of domestic violence. The number in Indonesia is very high, around 24 million cases or 11.4% have experienced acts of violence. The dominant violence experienced by Indonesian women is domestic violence or domestic violence, such as maltreatment, rape, harassment or infidelity committed by the husband. The problem in this paper is whether women as victims of physical violence have obtained legal protection? Based on the results of the research, it is found that women as victims of physical violence have not fully obtained optimal legal protection because when the victim finishes making a report the Police investigator at the Polres/Polresta level, especially at the Women and Children Protection Unit (UPPA) must take her to a safe house but this has not been done. Then when the victim finishes making a police report and returns home, the Police investigator/investigator at the Polres/Polresta level, especially at the Women and Children Protection Unit must collaborate with other family members and neighbouring parties to provide protection to the victim in the form of supervision but this has not been done. So it is suggested that the Indonesian National Police at the Polres/Polresta level, especially the Women and Child Protection Unit can work together with community leaders and religious leaders as well as the government at the sub-district level to actively conduct socialisation about legal protection against women of physical violence in the household so that women as victims no longer feel afraid or pressured to report the acts of violence they experience.


Legal Protection, Women, Victims, Physical Violence


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