This document gives attempts to highlight the perspective from the meeting of the triptych of concepts referring to gender, mental disability and sexuality inside and outside the family. Education narratives in film attempt to understand identity as expressed through the teaching of social skills to children and young people with disabilities, with some films observing the applicability of the pedagogical methodology of special educational needs observation by tracing individual stories of people over extended periods of time in their lives. Our study, therefore, focuses on a certain case of a teenage girl with an intellectual disability who has been sexually abused by her father. Her mother called her by the "nickname", "Monakrivi", "Precious" because she had unique "hidden" talents, which she tacitly recognized but also applauded, when she consented to her daughter's sexual relations her with her husband and father. In order to understand the pedagogical consideration of the individuality of the sixteen-year-old student who attends a special secondary school, as well as the necessity of implementing the intervention program [IP] of special education and training [SET], the pedagogical tool [Targeted, Individual Structured Inclusive Interventions Programs of Special Education and Training TISIPI f [SET] was used. Based on this reasoning, the positive aspects of mental disability in the young woman were investigated by approaching the pedagogical view of individuality in this particular case study. The "deficient" pedagogical culture regarding the meaning of sexual abuse and the predictability in the behaviour of children and young people was also examined. In conclusion, the pedagogical view of individuality [I] is related to the family and to the wider society, the position of the person with an intellectual disability in the school classroom, the understanding of the rules that govern inclusion in the group of peers even if he has suffered sexual abuse, but also to any other group. Targeted, individual structured differentiated inclusion instruction lends itself to the training of his social transactions, encouraging the individual to take active roles for his life.
Special Education and Training [SET], Woman, Mental Disability, Sexual Abuse, Cinematographer
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