Empowering Literacy Through Sociocultural Lenses: The Impact of Guided Reading on Student Learning

Sri Dewi Nirmala
Master of Elementary Education, Graduate School, Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijirme.2024.v3i5n17


This study explores literacy competence (LC) in elementary schools, emphasizing its importance while revealing its current deficiencies. The primary goal is to examine LC through the lens of the Guided Reading (GR) Model and its sociocultural influences. Using an Explanatory Sequential design as part of a mixed-method approach, the research included 200 fourth-grade students from six elementary schools, comprising 94 males and 106 females. Research tools such as pre-tests and post-tests, observations, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews with students, parents, and teachers were utilized. Data analysis was conducted using the Mann-Whitney nonparametric test. The study's findings reveal that the GR model effectively elevates LC from a low to medium level. Literacy comprehension advanced from a factual literal understanding to an interpretive one. However, sociocultural elements, such as book reading facilities, parental guidance, and technology use, were found to affect LC, with inappropriate technology usage having a negative impact. This research underscores the importance of meaningful teacher guidance via the GR model in developing literacy skills, emphasizing the significant role sociocultural factors play. Further investigation into the effects of technology on learning and other sociocultural factors not covered in this study is crucial.


Literacy competence, guided reading model, sociocultural influence, Mixed method res


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