Development And Utilization of An Innovative Industrial Automated PLC Electro-Pneumatic Feeder and Pick and Place System: An Industrial Process Simulator for Teaching Electrical and Electronics Courses

1Jomel R. Angangan, 2Allen A. Alejandro
1,2 College of Engineering Architecture and Technology, ISABELA STATE UNIVERSITY, CITY OF ILAGAN.


The main purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate an innovative industrial automated PLC electro-pneumatic feeder and pick-and-place system to improve technical instruction and address the inadequacy of electrical and electronics training equipment in the BS Industrial Technology program of Isabela State University, City of Ilagan Campus. Likewise, this study was conducted to evaluate the functionality, durability, safety, and instructional applicability of an innovative industrial automated PLC electropneumatic feeder and pick-and-place system. The descriptive method of research was used, with sets of questionnaire checklists supplemented by unstructured interviews and observations as the main gathering instruments. A five-point Likert rating scale was used to determine the descriptive meanings of the indicators of the variables used. The study respondents were third-year electronics and electrical students of the Industrial Technology program, electrical and electronics teachers, engineers, and industry experts. The statistical tools used in the study were percentage and weighted mean. The developed project mean was 4.82, which suggests that the project is “highly acceptable.” This implies that the developed instructional equipment is highly suitable for instruction and simulation in industrial automation processes, and is highly preferred by evaluators. It can also be said that the constructed industrial automated PLC electro-pneumatic feeder and pick-and-place system is well designed, durable, functional, safe to use, and easy to maintain.


PLC, Automation, -Electro-Pneumatics, Trainer


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