Boarding School Learning Management Towards Positive Discipline of Students at MAN 1 Pesantren Darussalam Ciamis West Java

Tatang Ibrahim
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia


This research is motivated by the rise of undisciplined students because of the busy schedule of activities in the dormitory, study time until late at night, midnight activities, as a result when in class students tend to be lazy because of sleepiness. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of boarding school learning patterns on the positive discipline of students, as well as how much influence boarding school learning patterns have on the positive discipline of students in senior high school in MAN Darussalam Ciamis. This research uses a quantitative approach with ex post facto method. The population in this study were high school boarding school students in Ciamis. The data collection technique uses an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Before being used to obtain objective data, first the validity and reliability of the questionnaire was carried out. After the data is collected, then the data is processed and analyzed using the Prerequisite Test (Normality and Linearity), Simple Linear Regression Test, Hypothesis Test (t test and Determination Coefficient Test). The results of this study indicate that the boarding school learning pattern has an influence on a positive and significant effect on the positive discipline variable of students. the tcount value of 3.480 is greater than the t-table value of 1.671 with a significance value of 0.00 < 0.05. While the adjudted R aquare coefficient value shows that the marketing mix has an influence of 13.5% with a calculation of 100%-16.5%, then 86.5% is another factor that affects boarding school learning patterns in high school boarding schools in MAN I Darussalam Ciamis.


learning pattern, boarding school, positive discipline


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