The Role of Leadership Transformation in Mediating the Influence of the Use of Technology and Knowledge Sharing Towards Performance Improvement Village Apparatus

1Marne, 2Ida Ayu Putu Widani Sugianingrat, 3Cokorda Gede Bayu Putra
1Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Business Economics and Tourism Indonesian Hindu University Denpasar
2,3Lecturer in the Management Study Program, Faculty of Business Economics and Tourism, Indonesian Hindu University, Denpasar


This research aims to determine the role of leadership transformation as a medium in the relationship between the use of technology, and knowledge sharing on the performance of village officials. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach with primary and secondary data sources. The research population was all officials in Cendi Manik Village, Sekotong District, West Lombok, namely 196 village officials. Determination of samples using purposive sampling so that 100 village official informants were obtained. The research instrument used a questionnaire distributed using Google Form. Data analysis method using path analysis and with SmartPLS 4.0 as a processing tool. The results of this study indicate that the use of technology does not have a significant positive effect on performance. Knowledge Sharing significant positive effect on device performance. The use of technology has a significant positive effect on Leadership Transformation Knowledge Sharing significant positive effect on Leadership Transformation. Leadership Transformation does not have a significant positive effect on the Performance of Village Officials. Leadership Transformation is not able to mediate the relationship between the Use of Technology and the Performance of Village Officials, and Leadership Transformation is not able to mediate the relationship. Knowledge Sharing on the Performance of Village Officials in Cendi Manik Village, Sekotong District, West Lombok.


Village Official Performance, Use of Technology, Knowledge Sharing, Leadership Transformation.


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