The Role of Technology Use in Moderating the Influence of Social Capital and Work Environment on Teacher Performance

1Haeruman Ismail Hamdani, 2Putu Yudy Wijaya, 3Made Dian Putri Agustina
1Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Business Economics and Tourism, Indonesian Hindu University, Denpasar
2,3Lecture of Management Study Program, Faculty of Business Economics and Tourism, Indonesian Hindu University, Denpasar


Many things are indicated as the driving force in improving performance, and the success of a graduate at the high school level cannot be separated from an educator (teacher). So this research aims to determine the moderating influence of the use of technology in encouraging performance between social capital and the work environment on teacher performance. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach with primary and secondary data sources. The research population was all teachers in high schools in Sekotong sub-district, West Lombok, namely 91 teachers. Determination of samples using purposive sampling so that 91 teacher informants were obtained. The research instrument used a questionnaire distributed using Google Form. Data analysis method using path analysis and with SmartPLS 4.0 as a processing tool. The results of this research are that social capital is proven to have no significant effect on teacher performance, meaning that a wide and dense network of relationships does not have an effect on increasing teacher performance for high school/vocational school level teachers in Cendi Manik Village, Sekotong District, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Meanwhile, the work environment has been proven to have a significant positive effect on teacher performance. This means that the better the work environment, the better the teacher performance will be at the High School teachers in Cendi Manik Village, Sekotong District, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Then technology is not proven to moderate social capital and the work environment on teacher performance. This means that technology must be balanced with other things to support it, for example balancing knowledge with training and updating knowledge.


Social Capital, Work Environment, Use of Technology and Teacher Performance


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