Behavior Washing your hands with soap (CTPS) using running water can protect yourself and others from infectious diseases. The proportion of good and correct CTPS behavior in Indonesia is still low. Community empowerment is one strategy to improve community behavior in CTPS. The aim of the research is to evaluate the community empowerment program in CTPS. This type of research is descriptive with survey methods. The aspects evaluated include aspectsinput, proses, and output based on a societal perspective. The population is all managers of facility installation locations, namely 10 units and households who live in Baturraden District. The research sample was all facility installation site managers and 200 heads of households. Data collection techniques through observation and interviews. Observations were carried out on 10 installed facilities. Interviews with facility managers cover aspects of input, process and output from the results of the installation of facilities, while interviews with heads of households relate to the use of facilities. The collected data is then processed and displayed in the form of tables and narratives. Evaluation of community empowerment in CTPS in Baturraden District based on: 1) The input aspect shows that there is no budget and operational officers; 2) The process aspect shows that soap and soap are not available tissue/ drying rags and the community has not been involved in maintaining/maintaining the facilities; 3) The output aspect shows that facilities that are still functioning well do not meet the requirements. Based on the perspective of the community using CTPS, it shows that most of the facilities are dirty, soap is not availabletissue/clean rag. Budget limitations and the absence of operational officers have caused CTPS facilities to not function and not meet the requirements, resulting in the community not using the facilities optimally.
Evaluation, Community Empowerment, CTPS, Baturraden
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