The Influence of Parental Motivation on The Achievement of Senior High School Students

1Shaira Rose P. Brillante, 2Kristian Allen P. Palco, 3Angelie L. Erana, 4Kris Roen M. Severino,
5Glyza S. Candido, 6Jovenil R. Bacatan
1,2,3,4,5,6Senior High School Department, UM Peñaplata College, Philippines


This study aimed to determine the significant relationship between parental motivation and achievement of senior high school students. A simple random sampling technique was used to include 56 respondents. Through non-experimental quantitative descriptive-correlational research technique, validated questionnaire, Mean, Pearson-Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (Pearson-r) and Simple Linear Regression; results showed that the level of parental motivation was high or oftentimes manifested. It was also found that the level of achievement was high or very satisfactory. There was a significant relationship between parental motivation and achievement. This implies that when parents show motivation towards their children’s education, the students tend to perform better academically. Accordingly, parental motivation significantly influences student’s achievement. It was recommended that future researchers broaden their scope beyond parental motivation and consider other influential factors on student achievement, such as peer influence, teaching quality, and personal motivation. Longitudinal and intervention studies were also recommended to be conducted.


parental motivation, achievement, senior high school students, descriptive-correlational method, regression analysis


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