Given the current state of the educational system, only some educators teach outside their field of expertise, which causes difficulties and stresses in the subjects they teach. This descriptive-comparative research examined the coping mechanisms and performance of 150 non-specialized MAPEH teachers in Davao del Sur. One standardized questionnaire from Montesur (2021) was utilized to collect data computed using the mean and KruskalWallis test to determine the coping mechanisms and performance of the non-specialized MAPEH teachers and assess their differences concerning their profile. The findings showed a very high level of coping mechanisms and performance as they teach MAPEH subjects. Furthermore, there is no significant difference between their coping mechanisms and performance as analyzed in terms of gender, educational attainment, age, years in service, and specializations. This implied that non-specialized MAPEH teachers managed the subjects well and performed excellently despite not specializing in the course. Thus, the researchers recommended that future researchers conduct an in-depth understanding of the experiences of these out-of-field teachers and the viewpoints of students under their tutelage.
coping mechanisms, performance, quantitative-descriptive, non-specialized MAPEH teachers, Philippines.
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