Acquiring a new language necessitates commitment, regular training, and resilience while addressing fear, which is imperative. This research aims to ascertain the prevalence of language learning anxiety among 101 UM Digos college students. The statistical methods employed included the Kruskal-Wallis test, mean, and frequency. The majority of respondents are already fourth-year students who identify as female. In consideration of the new norm, the level of language-speaking anxiety among college students is average, according to the findings. The result merely indicates that anxiety regarding speaking a foreign language is a prevalent issue among college students. Gender and academic year do not exhibit a statistically significant disparity in language learning apprehension. Therefore, it is encouraged to foster collaboration among diverse sectors and stakeholders to establish an inclusive and supportive environment, effectively tackling language anxiety and facilitating positive language learning outcomes for learners. Acquiring a new language necessitates commitment, regular training, and resilience while addressing fear, which is imperative. This research aims to ascertain the prevalence of language learning anxiety among 101 UM Digos college students. The statistical methods employed included the Kruskal-Wallis test, mean, and frequency. The majority of respondents are already fourth-year students who identify as female. In consideration of the new norm, the level of language-speaking anxiety among college students is average, according to the findings. The result merely indicates that anxiety regarding speaking a foreign language is a prevalent issue among college students. Gender and academic year do not exhibit a statistically significant disparity in language learning apprehension. Therefore, it is encouraged to foster collaboration among diverse sectors and stakeholders to establish an inclusive and supportive environment, effectively tackling language anxiety and facilitating positive language learning outcomes for learners.
language learning anxiety, new normal, descriptive
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