The review emphasizes the balanced approach and the topicality of the information in the book "Sexual education. A challenge for the Romanian school" written by Cristina Neamțu. The book explores the complexity and importance of sexuality education, addressing the challenges of adolescence and media impact, in a two-part structure. The way the book promotes the transmission of information and the development of critical thinking is appreciated. Although published 19 years ago, the review emphasizes that the information remains current and relevant, constituting a valuable resource for those interested in the evolution of sexuality education in Romania. Recommends the book for all those involved in the reform of the sex education system, emphasizing its contribution to improving the quality of life of adolescents in Romanian society.
1) Neamțu, Cristina (2005). Sexual education. A challenge for the Romanian school , European Institute Publishing House, Iași.2) Foucault, Michel (1995). History of sexuality, West Universe Publishing House, Romania.
3) The Government of Romania NATIONAL PROGRAM "HEALTH EDUCATION IN THE ROMANIAN SCHOOL" https://gov.ro/fisiere/programe_fisiere/program-educatie-sanatate.pdf
4) Official Gazette, Law no. 272/2004 regarding the protection and promotion of children's rights