The Quality of Life (QOL) in Companions of People Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

1PhD. Maria Corina BRONȚ, 2Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Lucia Pop
1Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences, University or Oradea, Oradea, Romania
2College of Services in Tourism “Napoca”, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania


The purpose of this sociological research is to investigate the quality of life of families with people affected by multiple sclerosis and to identify the factors that can influence this quality of life. The main objective of this research is to make a significant contribution to understanding the experience of families affected by MS and to identifying possible avenues of support and interventions to address their needs. According to the own scale, there are four factors (Utility, Mental and Psychological Exhaustion, Equilibrium, Social Capital) that directly influence the quality of life of multiple sclerosis companions. In the case of multiple sclerosis companions, the highest values are recorded by utiliy and social capital, while mental and psychological exhaustion record the lowest values. Thus, the higher the value of these factors, the better the quality of life.


quality of life, multiple sclerosis, companions, family, needs.


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