Instilling Religious Values in Shaping the Character of Students at School

1Syafa’atun Nahriyah, 2Dedi Djubaedi, 3Hajam Hajam, 4Kosim Kosim
1Doctoral Student, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia
2,3,4Professor, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia


Education not only increases students' knowledge, but instilling religious values to shape students' character is essential. The objectives of this research include: How does the education system instill religious values to shape students' character at school? How do programs shape student character? How does the process of instilling religious values in schools affect student character? How do the results of instilling religious values affect student character? This research used a qualitative approach with a natural, reasonable situation and in an authentic setting to describe phenomena and obtain accurate data related to uncovering the implementation of strategic planning in improving the quality of Islamic boarding schools and full-day schools. The research location is At-Tadzkir IT Middle School and Tazkia Insani IT Middle School, Indonesia. The research results show that At-Tadzkir IT Middle School is an Islamic boarding school-based Integrated Islamic Middle School using a full-day education system that is part of the Indonesian Integrated Islamic School Network. The At-Tadzkir IT Middle School program can influence students' character by requiring them to board at the Islamic boarding school, build da'wah, and participate in all activities there. Meanwhile, Tazkia Insani IT Middle School has programs like Al-Quran learning, mentoring, good habits, and home visits. The religious values instilled at At-Tadzkir IT Middle School and Tazkia Insani IT Middle School include habits, supervision, and guidance. The results of applying religious values in shaping student character are the output of students with strong faith, knowledge, and good deeds, producing preachers and people with good character.


Education, Religious Values, Students' Character, Middle School


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