Operationalization of Knowledge Capital in Promoting Performance Development Based on Social Return on Investment (Sroi) at Bumdes Bumi Arum, Tlahab Temanggung

1Hari Susanta Nugraha, 2Rangga Almahendra, 3Dinalestari Purbawati, 4Ilham Ainuddin, 5Sendhang Nurseto
1,3,4,5Diponegoro University, Indonesia
2Gajahmada University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijirme.2024.v3i3n02


The urgency of improving business performance is to make a contribution to the company, where the organizational development approach seeks to increase business solution capabilities. The problem faced by micro businesses in the Tlahab Village area is a decline in performance as indicated by sales results in business units. Each business unit has not been able to optimize the role of knowledge and entrepreneurial networking capital to encourage better performance. Theoretically, it is necessary to study the behavior of business owners in the context of building business performance based on a social profit approach. Social profit, focuses on business governance actions by incorporating the power of micro business networks in the Tlahab Village area. Social networks are important business capital, which has potential as locality-based intellectual capital. The ties between micro business networks, business owners and workers have the potential to be leveraged for business performance . This is supported by research conclusions that business performance is influenced by the leadership of micro business owners. It is necessary to study in more depth how the owner behaves in managing business networks.


business performance, tlahab village, social benefits


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