Broken Textbooks, Booming Tech: A Systematic Look at Blended Learning's Impact on Indonesian English Language Teaching

1Bachtiar, 2Maya Puspitasari
1,2Master of English Language Education, Graduate School, Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia


Technology integration in education has brought immense changes in the teaching approach worldwide, including in English Language Teaching (ELT) in Indonesia. A literature review substantiates the argument that integrating the traditional pedagogical approach with web-enhanced learning methodologies presents a practical mode of delivering English Language Teaching (ELT) in Indonesia. It synthesizes findings from diverse studies on the effectiveness, challenges, and strategies of implementing blended learning in an Indonesian setting. The review highlights how blended learning can accommodate various styles of learning, be more flexible in offering access to resources, and be conducive to the delivery of interactive and engaging learning environments. However, it also identifies that while these infrastructures remain limited, digital literacy is not booming yet, and resistance to change still plays a big role. The proposed solutions span government infrastructure support, professional development of teachers on technology integration, and a strategy suggesting the gradual transition stage by stage into the era of blended learning. Conclusively, this research concludes that even with the challenges surrounding it, blended learning offers a viable alternative to enhance quality and access to ELT in Indonesia. It also provides insight for policymakers, educators, and researchers about the future roadmap of education in the digital era.


blended learning, English language teaching, technology integration


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