Analysis of Regional Government Bureaucracy Reform Achievements (Study at the Department of Public Housing, Settlement and Land Areas Bekasi Regency)

1Merdi Hajiji, 2Panji Santosa, 3Lisdawati Wahyudin
1,2,3Faculty of Social Science and Political Science Langlangbuana University, Bandung, West Java


Bureaucratic reform is carried out in an effort to create a government that is clean, effective and competitive and capable of encouraging national and regional development achievements, global competitiveness and improving public services, so that it can provide the best service to the community quickly, precisely, professionally, and free from collusive practices, corruption and nepotism Bearing in mind that Bureaucratic Reform is included in the national priority agenda, through the implementation of the Bureaucratic Reform Road Map, this can support the acceleration of national and regional development. So, with the new Bureaucratic Reform strategy, it is hoped that it can also accelerate the achievement of the strategic targets of Bureaucratic Reform and have a direct impact on society. The ever-changing environmental dynamics and increasing demands of society have also triggered the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform to become more adaptive and agile. The establishment of a Road Map for Bureaucratic Reform also aims to answer this by focusing on four aspects, namely: setting goals and targets, focusing on upstream strategic issues through the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform General and downstream strategic issues through implementing Bureaucratic Reform Thematic, as well as implementing Bureaucratic Reform General and Bureaucratic Reform Thematic at the Public Housing Service for Settlement and Land Areas in Bekasi Regency. The General Reform score for the Public Housing, Settlement and Land Areas of Bekasi Regency was 74.5 points out of a total of 100 points and Thematic Bureaucratic Reform was 16 points out of a total of 20 points. The maximum total points from the General and Thematic Reform assessment results was 120.


Achievements in The Implementation and Bureaucratic Reform


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