The Perceived Inequalities in Resource Allocation in Multi-Campus Universities in Ghana: The Case of University for Development Studies and Presbyterian University of Ghana

1Amatus Dinye, 2Emmanuel K. Boon, 3Priscilla Azumah Ageboba
1Senior Assistant Registrar, C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences, P.O. Box 24, Navrongo, Upper East Region, Ghana.
2Professor and Director of International Affairs, International Centre for Enterprise and Sustainable Development (ICED), 46 Adjirigano Road, East Legon, P.O. Box KA16461, Airport-Accra, Ghana.
3Assistant Registrar, C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences, P.O. Box 24, Navrongo, Upper East Region, Ghana.


This paper examined and compared the resource allocation mechanisms in two multi-campus universities (MCUs) in Ghana. They are University for Development Studies (UDS) and Presbyterian University College, Ghana (PUCG), now known as Presbyterian University, Ghana (PUG). The main objective of the study was to investigate the perceived inequalities in the allocation of resources among the various campuses of the two Universities. The qualitative method, comparative case study approach and in-depth interview techniques were used to conduct the research. In all, eight senior management members (Pro Vice-Chancellors; Registrars; and Campus Heads) of the two Universities were purposively selected and interviewed. The findings revealed that these Universities do not have an established formula for the allocation of infrastructural and human resources for their respective campuses. It was also found that they use some percentages/ratios-based formula for the allocation of funds to the campuses. The paper recommends that physical infrastructure and human resources should be allocated based on deficits identified thorough need assessments. Secondly, to ensure a fair allocation of funds to the various campuses of the two universities, the deployment of a standardised mathematical formula is recommended.


Education, Development, Single Campus, Multi Campus, Quality, University


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