Willingness of Indigenous Students in Communication Using Filipino Language

1Alex M. Sugue Jr., 2Ben Michael B. Panaguiton, 3Arnel II S. Bernal
1,2,3UM Digos College, Digos City
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijirme.2024.v3i2n06


The willingness to use a second language in communication is a challenge faced by indigenous students, resulting in a lack of self-confidence, difficulty in finding appropriate words, and anxiety that affects the lack of interest in engaging in conversations. This research aims to identify the willingness of indigenous students to use the Filipino language in communication. The study utilized descriptive research involving (N=96) indigenous college students from UM Digos who participated in the adopted questionnaires. Mean, frequency distribution and t-tests were used as statistical tests. The survey results showed that the willingness of indigenous students to use the Filipino language in communication is at a high level, indicating that it is frequently observed. However, the researchers encourage students, teachers, and staff to consistently use the Filipino language, both inside and outside the school. This serves as a way to maintain their willingness to communicate using the Filipino language at a high level.


willingness, communication, Filipino language, descriptive research, Philippines


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