Effect of Including Noni Leaves Meal into Basal Diet on Ca and P Intake and Digestibility in Landrace Crossbred Pig

1David A. Nguru, 2Sabarta Sembiring, 3I Made S. Aryanta, 4Ni N. Suryani, 5Tagu Dodu, 6Simon E. Mulik, 7Alvrado Bire Lawa, 8Alberth N. Ndun, 9Nautus S. Dalle
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Animal Science Study Program, Graduate Program, University of Nusa Cendana
9Programs of Animal Husbandry Study, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijirme.2024.v3i2n10


The study aimed at evaluating the effect of including noni meal leaves (TDM) into basal diet on Ca and P intake and digestibility in landrace crossbred pig. Data intake and feces collection was carried out for 2 weeks. There were 12 male piglets 1-2 months of age with 10.50-21.50 (average 16.70) kg (CV 18.76%) initial body weight used in the study. Randomized block design 4 treatments with 3 replicates procedure was applied in the trial. The treatment diets offered were: R0: 100% basal diet without TDM; R1: 98% basal diet + 2% TDM; R2: 96% basal diet + 4% TDM; and R3: 94% basal diet + 6% TDM. Variable evaluated were: intake and digestibility of Ca and P in pig. Statistical analyisis found that including noni leaves meal is not significant (P>0.05) in increasing either intake or digestibility of either Ca or P in pig. The conclusion is that including 2, 4, 6 % noni leaves into basal diet tends to increase both intake and digestibility of both Ca and P in pigs.


pig, noni leaves, Ca, P, intake, digestibility


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