Language, Culture, And Gender: A Sociolinguistic Study

1K. Kustyarini, 2Eko Pujiati, 3Endang Koesmiyati
1,2,3Wisnuwardhana University Malang


Culture is indeed a social force. When this social force is dominated by a specific gender, various forms of repression of subject terminology, initially considered equal in gender contexts, occur. Due to the dominance of a specific gender, culture is engineered to favor one gender, with males considered superior to females. Discussing language, culture, and gender essentially involves examining everyday life around us. From the moment of birth, one cannot escape the cultural webs created by previous generations, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on. Sociolinguistic studies conducted will reveal strong factors influencing language usage between men and women. Surveys were distributed across several aspects: nature, word choices, openness, courage, communication intonation, roles, and responsibilities among 50 male respondents and 50 female respondents. Gender refers to the differences between men and women based on social construction, culture, language, status, as well as roles and responsibilities in society. However, there are many differences in language use related to gender. Overall, the average results from respondents indicate that gender influences language usage. Men tend to be rougher, more open, and bold when expressing themselves. In contrast, women must consider numerous factors when expressing themselves. Word choices and intonation are carefully observed, as women tend to be gentle and empathetic.


language, culture, gender, sociolinguistics


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