Green entrepreneurship encompasses the process of creating and bringing to market environmentally beneficial products, services, and technologies. India is confronted with a plethora of environmental challenges, encompassing escalating air pollution, scarcity of water, and the impacts of climate change. In light of these challenges, the concept of green entrepreneurship has emerged as a viable and promising approach to tackling these issues while simultaneously fostering economic development. The twin-fold objectives of the study are to review the policy ecosystem for green entrepreneurship in India with special reference to the Green India Mission Scheme (GIS) and to identify the main challenges in the implementation of the scheme, and to suggest supportive policy changes. The GIM program has made significant progress in promoting green entrepreneurship. However, it is evident that there are several challenges on the operational side that, if overcome, would lead to sustainable solutions for economic development.
Green Entrepreneurship, National Green India Mission Scheme (GIM)
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